


Welcome to GGC 💚

How it all started

We all know about the current climate change we're facing, so I won't go too much into that, but I didn't realise how even one person can make a change. It was in a Geography lesson when it struck me, there must be something we could do to help. But how?

I started looking at how eco-friendly my school was, specifically the canteen hence the name, and I noticed there were a few things we could do to cut down on the amount of waste we were producing. To begin, I started a petition with a group of friends, going around the school for anyone who wanted to sign.

First Instagram post on GGC

So, I started running an Instagram on July 9th 2019,  with very little knowledge and experience but I was determined to make a change. I started posting every couple of days with small changes I was making in my household e.g getting milk bottles, bars of soap, walking more.

Later on in the school year, a new group opened up run by a few teaching staff with the same focus I had set out to achieve in June. We met every week and discussed what changes we wanted to make and when. Action was finally happening!
